Run for autism

Run for autism is a heartwarming community event dedicated to raising awareness and support for individuals on the autism spectrum.

Kicks Shoelaces is thrilled to partner with Aspect for their inspiring initiative at Sydney Airport. Together, we're fostering a community of 'Run for autism Heroes,' rallying individuals to run 70km this October, representing the 1 in 70 Australians on the autism spectrum. 

By becoming a 'Run for autism Hero,' you're not just running – you're making a profound impact. Your fundraising endeavours enable Aspect to empower children, helping them unlock the full potential of their education and nurturing lifelong skills that boost their confidence, enhance their relationships, and open doors to brighter opportunities in life.

You can lace up and join for FREE and embark on a meaningful journey this October by running 70km, or a distance that suits you best.

When you register, you'll receive an exclusive welcome pack from Aspect with a convenient activity tracker and access to their online training and nutrition guides. These resources will empower you to unleash your full running potential and make a real impact.

To learn more about how you can help visit: